Cargo One

Cargo One

Booking cargo made easy. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Enterprise valuation
$168—252m ( estimates Dec 2020.)
Company register number HRB 189201 B (Charlottenburg (Berlin))
Berlin Germany (HQ)



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More about Cargo One
Edit is a digital platform that provides freight forwarding services. It operates in the logistics market, serving over 15,000 agents from freight forwarders of all sizes across more than 100 countries. The platform offers a comprehensive rate management system that combines the speed and flexibility of static rates with the accuracy of live rates. This allows agents to get a real-time market overview and quote prices quickly and accurately.'s business model is centered around providing live agent rates for cross-trade and import shipments from over 30 countries. It also offers a one-stop live booking service with the largest portfolio of airlines in the world, including over 40 airlines. This allows agents to book shipments with just a few clicks and even modify or cancel their booking whenever needed.

The platform also offers a range of additional features to support its users. These include quality checks to ensure bookings are accurate, the ability to add charges to live airline rates, and easy and intuitive analytics to help agents benchmark their performance against the market and identify opportunities. It also provides real-time tracking of all shipments and notifications in case of delay. makes money by charging for its services. It also offers a protection service for bookings from new agents, allowing them to expand their reach with peace of mind.

In summary, is a comprehensive digital platform for freight forwarding services, offering a range of features to support agents in managing their rates, bookings, and shipments.

Keywords: Freight Forwarding, Digital Platform, Rate Management, Live Booking, Quality Checks, Real-Time Tracking, Analytics, Protection Service, Global Reach, Logistics Market.

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