Recent News about Gluroo Imaginations Inc.

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Gluroo is a digital health startup that offers a free app designed to simplify the management of diabetes. The app is designed to cater to a wide range of users, from adults managing Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) independently, to families supporting a child newly diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (T1). The app provides a platform for users to log and monitor their health data, identify issues, and track progress.

The app's features include chat-based logging for casual updates, reminders, and encouragement, as well as device management. Users can connect their devices to Gluroo to view and share real-time data from anywhere. This feature is particularly beneficial for parents and caregivers, who can monitor their child's health data, including insulin doses, meals, pump settings, and predictive alerts.

Adult users, regardless of their type of diabetes, can benefit from Gluroo's simple and quick logging feature. The app also offers Gluroo Global Connect, a free Nightscout-compatible backend that allows users to display their data on other devices, giving them control over their data.

Furthermore, Gluroo provides a valuable tool for healthcare professionals, such as primary care physicians (PCPs) and endocrinologists. The app gives them access to their patients' real-time data in a simple dashboard view, enabling them to monitor their patients' health and make informed decisions.

Gluroo operates in the digital health market, serving individuals with diabetes, their families, and healthcare professionals. The company's business model is based on offering a free app, suggesting that it may generate revenue through partnerships, advertising, or premium features.

Keywords: Diabetes management, Digital health, Real-time data, Device management, Family support, Healthcare professionals, Data logging, Gluroo Global Connect, Free app, Patient monitoring.