Koolen & Partners

Koolen & Partners

Venture capital company based in brazil and netherlands with a big focus in internet and mobile companies. Learn more

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More about Koolen & Partners

Koolen & Partners is a Venture Capital Company based in Brazil and Netherlands with a big focus in Internet and Mobile companies. Our team is created by entrepreneurs with excellent track record and different exits like Booking.com to Priceline, Buscapé to Naspers and TeRespondo to Yahoo.

See our Value Proposition:

1.ENTREPRENEURS FOR ENTREPRENEURS - We are a team of entrepreneurs with large experience building Internet companies in Brazil and Worldwide.

2.BILLION MARK - All our partners helped to grow companies who broke the billion Mark in different aspects of the business, revenue, value or GMV.

3.BEST PRACTICES TO SCALE - Use best practices to help our companies to growth. One of our key drivers is not to focus on Vanity Metrics but focus on Actionable Metrics who will help the entrepreneur to successfully scale the business.

4.GOING GLOBAL - Being international in this world is not an option but a necessity. We invest in business models that work in Brazil and can be replicated worldwide. Our team has deep experience in opening companies in more than 50 countries.

5.PROFITABILITY - We like companies that can growth fast with long term companies is important to us. We select companies with strong business models with viable economics that can change people lives.