Molten Ventures

Molten Ventures

Molten Ventures is one of the most active venture capital firms in Europe, developing and investing in disruptive, high growth technology companies. Learn more

Launch date
Company register number 09799594
London England (HQ)

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More about Molten Ventures

All our energy is devoted to supporting Europe’s most visionary tech entrepreneurs, from Series A to wherever their ambition takes them | Formerly Draper Esprit

Molten Ventures is one of the most active venture capital firms in Europe, developing and investing in disruptive, high growth technology companies. We believe it is our role to support the visionary entrepreneurs who will invent the future. We fuel their growth with our ‘energy’ in the form of truly patient capital, access to international networks and decades of experience building businesses. Currently, Molten Ventures is a shareholder in a diverse portfolio of companies including Revolut, UiPath, Trustpilot, Ledger, and Graphcore. For more information please visit: