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More about PeerCapital

We are not just the next new fund.

We’re the kind of people you’ll see everyday, and ignore as you pass by, because they are so much a part of the warp and weft of your life: like a comfortable old towel, or an overstuffed cushion, that you know will never let you down.

We are the fund for (and by) peers; people who work with you, sleeves rolled up, happy to get in the trenches, get dirty, and have fun. Because we are invested in your journey, and want it to be as purposeful as it is profitable. Big words, we know, but essentially, we want to muck around, have fun, and do epic shit. Or die trying. Just like you.

We are the 2 am friends of this universe, who have your back at all times, because we don’t just walk in your shoes… we feel you. We know the struggle it takes, and are happy to do the heavy lifting, if that helps lighten your load.

We are here to listen, as much as to talk, and are in it for the love of building something better.

Yes, we bring in the investments and the capital, but strangely, you’ll never think of us as those starched and stiff investors (we’ve been there, done that, sigh), but more as friends and family you’ve borrowed from, to fuel a dream.

We’ll always tell you the truth, as we see it, however uncomfortable it may be, because that’s our bounden duty as friends, as peers who want you to do well, because we’re all in it together, because in your success, is ours, but mostly because we're loving the ride.

We are not here to just ride pillion on your growth, but to contribute meaningfully to it as partners; we treat you (and would like to be extended the same courtesy) and those we seek funds from, as peers: friends who come together, bound by a common goal, each bringing something unique and valued, to the mix.

Nobody else, in this business, sets out looking for friends, not investors, or investees.

We are peers. With benefits.

And you’ll never walk alone, again.

We are PeerCapital