SetPoint Medical

SetPoint Medical

Developing novel bioelectronic medicine therapies to treat those who suffer from autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's Disease and multiple sclerosis. Learn more
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More about SetPoint Medical

SetPoint Medical is a pioneering startup operating in the healthcare sector, specifically focusing on the treatment of chronic autoimmune diseases. The company has developed a unique treatment approach called Neuroimmune Modulation, which leverages advances in immunology, neuroscience, and bioengineering. This innovative method uses targeted electrical stimulation to regulate inflammation and restore immunologic balance in the body, offering a potential solution for patients suffering from chronic autoimmune conditions.

SetPoint Medical's business model revolves around the development and commercialization of their proprietary platform. Their primary clients are patients with chronic autoimmune diseases, a market that is continually expanding due to the increasing prevalence of these conditions. The company generates revenue through the sale of their medical devices and related services.

The startup is committed to evidence-based treatment advancement, underpinned by robust clinical research. This commitment is reflected in their team, which boasts expertise across medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and consumer technology. However, it's important to note that the company's device is currently classified as investigational and is limited by United States law to investigational use.

In summary, SetPoint Medical is a promising startup with a novel approach to treating chronic autoimmune diseases. Their unique blend of immunology, neuroscience, and bioengineering could potentially revolutionize the way these conditions are managed, offering hope to millions of patients worldwide.

Keywords: SetPoint Medical, Neuroimmune Modulation, chronic autoimmune diseases, inflammation regulation, immunologic balance, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, consumer technology, clinical research, investigational device.

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